X-rays have been a greater part of radiography. Technology has been around us for decades. This innovative technique of looking at the bones’ images has become one of the greatest technologies in history.
With technological advancements in the radiography sector, handheld x-ray machines are becoming more commonplace.
Numerous handheld x-ray machines are available like EasyRay, offering operators more flexibility.
Despite the growing usage and amazing benefits of handheld devices, people are still concerned about are handheld x ray machines safe.
Here in this article, we will have an in-depth overview of handheld x-ray machines to discover more.
So, here we go!
Handheld x ray machines are changing the radiography sector.
Intraoral radiography is an essential and long-standing tool supporting dental conditions’ diagnosis, management, and treatment.
When Roentgen invented the x-ray in 1895 for the first time, he never thought about the digital revolution that would lead to today's high-tech handheld x-ray units. Handheld x-ray machines are core sources to produce dental images with phosphor plates, film, or digital sensors.
Traditional intraoral radiography equipment has been designed to fix the ceiling or walls. However, handheld x-ray machines are lightweight devices designed for enhanced portability and efficiency.
Handheld x-ray machines are becoming widely popular as a more affordable and efficient alternative to wall-mounted x-ray machines.
More and more dentists are investing in affordable handheld x-ray machines like EasyRay to improve their efficiency and unleash real potential.
Handheld x-ray machines have designs that make them easier to hold with outstretched hands. It doesn't only allow the practitioners to take x-rays of their patients feasibly.
Also, the practice helps them to maintain a safe distance from handheld x-ray machines. Consequently, it will decrease the radiation exposure of practitioners significantly.
Are handheld x ray machines safe? What you need to know.
When it's about, are handheld x ray machines safe? Studies show that the device's position relative to the operator has a significant impact on the radiation exposure of the operator.
Fortunately, when the operator uses handheld x-ray machines appropriately, he can stay safe.
It is because this way, there would be no additional exposure to radiation compared to a wall-mounted x-ray machine.
However, troubles can occur when the operator doesn't apply safety considerations.
Generally, a handheld x-ray machine has three main components, including:
- An irradiation switch on its body
- A protective shield at the cone’s end
- An x-ray tube assembly
The protective shield at the end of the cone is here to reduce radiation backscatter to the operator.
This mechanism ensures the operator's safety from direct and high exposure to radiation.
Three critical safety aspects for operators to consider who are using handheld x-ray machines.
To ensure handheld x-ray machines are safe, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States provides guidance.
The department has provided unique, applicable recommendations and requirements for the safe use of handheld x-ray units.
The followings are expert-recommended three important safety aspects to ensure the safety of patients and operators.
So, here we go:
- Operators must follow proper training and protocols to safely use handheld x-ray machines.
- They must conduct compliance audits regularly, besides recommended equipment servicing by the manufacturer.
- Prefer using personal dosimeters while using handheld x-ray units.
With this, you can rest assured about are handheld x ray machines safe easily.
Important note:
Overall, the benefits of handheld x-ray machines outweigh their risks. Therefore, more and more practitioners are making these devices a part of routine dental assessments.
Above all, handheld x-ray machines are a more useful addition to any dental practice when used appropriately.
Various research studies have proven no additional radiation exposure with handheld x-ray units compared to traditional x-ray machines.
To avoid any trouble from the occurrence, the practitioner must train their x-ray operators properly to use these units.
Like any other advanced equipment, proper training will ensure that your staff and patients are safe.
Hold handheld x-ray unit properly for ensured safety.
The answer to are handheld x ray machines safe also depends upon how you hold your x-ray machines.
A handheld x-ray unit is usually held at medium-torso height.
Keeping your unit there provides head-to-toe protection from radiation backscatter.
It would be best if you kept the cone closer to the face of the patient without touching them. After obeying all safety precautions, keep the image-taking alignment the same.
However, if your patient can’t reach the mid-torso height, move your patient's chair.
This trick will allow you to adopt a better position to perform a safe x-ray session. If you are facing a challenge vertically, then adding a small-step stool can be a better solution to this problem.
Features of handheld x-ray machines you must know.
- Setting up a handheld machine is just a matter of minutes. Moreover, these machines offer improved clinical coverage to oral parts.
- Handheld x-ray machines lead to minimizing exposure to radiation with a low dose product mechanism and design. Moreover, the image acquisition time is lower than traditional x-ray machines.
- Most handheld x-ray units have an active area collimator to enhance adjustability (EasyRay have it). Additionally, this feature can also reduce radiation scatter and leakage.
- Handheld x-ray units also offer superior image processing quality and reduce irradiation time and motion blurring. It results in improved bone identification with better image penetration.
- When compared to wall-mounted x-ray machines, handheld devices offer reduced radiation exposure. It is because the internal shield of handheld units offers guaranteed protection from x-rays. It means you can experience enhanced safety. EasyRay also has a mounted x-ray tube to simultaneously ensure patient and practitioner safety.
- Handheld x-ray units offer intelligence that works with the practitioner. These also unlock the real potential of the practitioner with increased efficiency.
These features will help you understand are handheld x ray machines safe as you can get the technical details about them.
8 Key benefits of using a handheld x-ray machine.
We all understand that radiography serves a significant purpose in our patients’ care. Despite the importance of radiography, fixed x-ray machines have limitations.
Therefore, a majority of practitioners are now turning to handheld x-ray machines. This transformation is mainly because of the numerous benefits handheld x-ray units offer.
These benefits usually include:
1) Easier to use
Firstly, handheld x-ray machines are amazingly easier to use mainly because of their intuitive design. These lightweight x-ray units can efficiently work even in chaotic circumstances where mistakes can cause serious problems.
Moreover, handheld x-ray machines can also share quick digital image information easily. It can help the clinic staff better treat their patients even in an emergency.
2) Highly portable
Arguably increased portability is the major plus point of using handheld x-ray units. These units are easier to move from one location to the other. Even practitioners can easily carry handheld x-ray machines closer to their patients. This practice keeps the practitioners from moving their patients from one room to another. They can also deliver patient care even outside their practice room.
Handheld x-ray units are small and lightweight, allowing practitioners to have fully functional equipment anytime, anywhere.
So, handheld x-ray machines add more flexibility and convenience to the procedure, and you can estimate are handheld x ray machines safe from this factor.
3) Increased versatility
Since these x-ray machines are highly portable, you can deliver efficient radiography services in any circumstance. For example, if an elderly patient cannot visit your clinic, you can easily perform an x-ray by visiting their place.
Similarly, multiple rural clinics don't have proper radiology equipment. However, handheld x-ray machines can make it easier to perform radiography at rural clinics.
In short, these versatile handheld x-ray machines have lifesaving potential. These units can easily help you overcome location barriers that previously kept practitioners from diagnosing and treating properly.
4) Image Quality and Location connection
Even though the simple use of handheld machines is of utmost importance. However, the ability of a device to provide images of adequate resolution is what makes it successful. Fortunately, x-rays captured with handheld devices provide satisfactory image quality enough for assessment.
In the circumstances necessary for handheld x-ray devices, these units can offer top-notch image quality. Their satisfactory image quality makes these devices a practical and realistic solution for many practitioners.
5) Fast process speed
Handheld x-ray machines have efficiently sorted out the long awaiting queues problem outside labs. These machines work like a charm, with an image processing speed of fewer than 20 minutes. Even the image results exist in real-time and allow you to provide the required treatment as soon as possible.
6) More options for patients’ care
Handheld x-ray units have excelled in patient care to improve their experience. These machines provide a faster way to diagnose the root cause of their dental or oral problems. Above all, these devices offer précised results with top-notch image quality for accurate diagnosis. The patients no longer need to wait for long hours to get their x-rays.
It is because handheld x-ray machines are quick at image processing and can offer immediate results. Providing fast results and accurate treatments will positively impact your patient’s experience.
7) A cost-effective solution for proper diagnosis
A handheld x-ray machine doesn’t only have effective and intuitive architecture. Also, these machines are highly economical in your money pocket. You don’t have to pay thousands to add an x-ray machine to your clinic. Instead, various reasonably priced handheld x-ray machines like EasyRay are here to save you from spending extra bucks.
8) Improved workflow
A handheld x-ray unit allows the practitioner to offer appropriate treatment to more patients daily than before. For efficient services, the handheld x-ray machines also allow practitioners to provide appropriate services even offsite. This facility is usually required when patients can’t reach your facility for medical reasons.
Providing precise diagnoses to your patients at their places will allow you to start patients' treatment quickly. Also, it will help more people to increase trust in your clinic.
Overall, handheld x-ray machines are great for your clinic when you want to offer quality care to your patients, and they will give you positive answers about are handheld x ray machines safe.
Some pitfalls of handheld x-ray machines you need to keep in mind.
Handheld x-ray machines have been adopted vastly, especially in oral care facilities. Some pitfalls of handheld x-ray units are important for everyone to know.
Some of the key pitfalls of handheld x-ray units include:
- Operator’s fatigue because of holding the x-ray device for longer.
- The operator will not have a free hand to adjust the device
- Multiple practitioners may share a handheld device within a facility
- Keeping the x-ray beam horizontal is critical to avoid excessive exposure to radiation
Even though the handheld x-ray devices also have some disadvantages, just like any other thing in the world.
Fortunately, none of these are too hard to overcome. For example, choosing a lightweight device can help you reduce the operator's fatigue. EasyRay weight only 1.9 Kg and can be easily managed by anyone without fatigue.
A handheld device is highly cost-effective, so getting one for each practitioner won’t break your bank.
So, overall, handheld x-ray machines offer more benefits than disadvantages. Therefore, these can be considered a practical alternative to traditional x-ray machines.
Things to keep in mind to invest in the best handheld x-ray machines.
Although most handheld x-ray machines have a similar appearance. However, it’s always important to perform some research before making any investment.
Each handheld x-ray unit comes up with its specifications and benefits. Knowing these details can let you understand which unit is safer than others.
The key factors that you should consider include:
- Ensure the handheld x-ray unit you want to buy is FDA-approved. It is the major consideration when buying a handheld x-ray machine for your facility. EasyRay, for example, is FDA approved.
- We know that paralleling offers less error possibility, which will cause fewer retakes and consequently less radiation exposure. So, it would help if you chose the handheld x-ray machine that makes paralleling techniques possible.
- Another most important thing to consider here is a protective shield. This backscatter radiation shield is key to radiation safety in handheld x-ray units.
Final Thoughts
Handheld x-ray machines have changed the face of radiography over time. The consistently increasing popularity of handheld x-ray machines has left numerous wonderings, "are handheld x ray machines safe?" More and more practitioners are opting for handheld x-ray machines.
It is mainly because of the advanced features and the number of benefits these machines offer. However, do you want a handheld x-ray machine for your facility?
It’s always important to look at the broader picture by evaluating the safety, benefits, features and pitfalls of handheld x-ray machines.
The detailed overview of handheld x-ray machines above lets you know everything you need about handheld x-ray machines.
Above all, whenever you buy a handheld x-ray machine, invest in a high-quality unit, i.e., Easyray.
So, reaping all the amazing benefits with ensured safety can be possible for you.